Include a concise statement of the research under investigation and its objectives. Define all concepts and abbreviations at first use (500 word limit).
Describe experimental methods briefly (including relevant numbers of patients and/or microorganisms).
Describe specific findings and analysis of data. (Promises such as “to be completed” are not acceptable.)
Include specific conclusions, with supporting statistical analyses when appropriate. (Concluding statements such as “the results will be discussed” are not acceptable.)
Do not submit multiple abstracts on overlapping facets of the same project unless each abstract has important, novel information and clearly stands on its own. Repetitive abstracts will be rejected.
Abstracts must not be submitted if previously presented at a national or international meeting such as, but not limited to, IDWeek, SHEA, ASTMH, ICAAC, ASM, CROI, ASM Microbe or ECCMID. Abstracts that have been previously presented, but include updated information with significant new implications will be considered.
Resolve any issues relating to patent matters before submitting the abstract.