Full Member (United States) | $330 |
International Full Member (includes Canada) | $330 |
Developing Country (according to the World Bank listing) | $100 |
Professional Member (PharmD, Microbiologists, APP, NP, PA) | $150 |
Emeritus (age 65 and over) | $110 |
First Year Out-of-Fellowship | $150 |
Medical Students and Residents* | No Charge |
First, Second, Third Year Fellows* | No Charge |
*Membership dues are waived and a subscription to the Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society is offered to fellows, residents and medical students.
We realize that some may be experiencing pandemic-related financial hardships that make it difficult to maintain membership. Please contact us at pids@idsociety.org to discuss how we may help address such needs.