A child hunched over in pain, reporting pain as “above 10” on a 1-10 scale. This is the October experience of a girl who had contracted COVID-19 back in August,…
I really like February. I like the symmetry of precisely 4 crisp weeks. I like that February 1 and March 1 are always on the same day of the week….
Fungal infections are a growing public health problem. Medscape reports invasive fungi are evolving stronger defenses just as disease-causing bacteria have shown. While antimicrobial resistance receives much of the publicity,…
Pediatric infectious diseases specialists at children’s hospitals across the country – D.C., Chicago, Atlanta, Denver, Cleveland, Palo Alto – reached for this story by CNBC reported more pediatric hospitalizations due…
William (Bill) Muller is an Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics, Division of Infectious Diseases at Northwestern University and the Ann & Robert H Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago….
Covid vaccines offer strong protection against serious illness across variants, including Omicron. Still, according to a recent Associated Press article, the CDC has recommended boosters for adults and teens over…
Reports nationwide show the Omicron variant has struck the pediatric population particularly hard. In addition to the complications COVID-19 infection brings, NBC News reports some children under five who contract…
Tell me if this sounds familiar: a trainee, with their entire medical career ahead of them and in search of direction, asks how you came to choose a career in…
Dear Colleagues, In mid-December, we received the results of the 2021 Pediatric Infectious Diseases match. Fifty-nine programs participated in the match this year (up from 55 last year), and 84…
The human papillomavirus vaccine can prevent as many as 90% of six potentially lethal cancers. The vaccine only works if administered prior to becoming infected by the virus, which means…
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, MIS-C, is a complication of COVID-19 that can lead to dangerous inflammation around several vital organs. It occurs about a month after a SARS-CoV-2 infection…
Sara Oliver, MD, MPH, serves as the Lead for the COVID-19 vaccines ACIP Work Group and is a Medical Officer in the Division of Viral Diseases, National Center for Immunizations…