Program Director: Dr. Otto Vanderkooi, MD FRCPC, DTMH
Faculty: Dr. Rupesh Chawla, MD, Dr. James D. Kellner, r. Tajdin Jadavji, Dr. Susan Kuhn, Dr. Otto Vanderkooi, Dr. Joseph Vayalumkal (October 2008)
Research Interests group: Epidemiology of Pneumococcal Diseases, Vaccine Preventable illness, Tropical and Travel Medicine, Microbiology Laboratory Utilization in the Pediatric Setting, Infections in the Immunocompromised Host.
Overview: The Pediatric Infectious Diseases Training Program at the University of Calgary is based at the Alberta Children’s Hospital, recenly moved to a new hospital site. A rich variety of inpatient, outpatient and critical care infectious diseases are seen on a consultative basis on an annual basis and numerous opportunities exist for additional study in multiple subspeciality clinics in the Calgary Health Region including Tropical and Travel Medicine, HIV, STD, TB, Hepatitis, International Adoption, and Refugee medicine with elective tailored to the trainees needs.